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Remember to love what you already have

Sharing is caring!

I’m writing this post really quick from my iPod, but this is something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately and it goes along with the whole ‘gratitude’ theme this week.

It’s so easy to think about what we don’t have and to find others who have it and be envious. I’ve always been envious of people who seem to always have enough money to enjoy the luxuries in life that I don’t have (traveling to cool places, owning nice things,etc.)

But too often we don’t realize that these people who seem to ‘have it made’ also have things they want but can’t have. Sure they have a lot of money and freedom to do what they want, but maybe they have not been able to find someone to share their lives with or perhaps they want to have kids but they can’t. Everyone has something they want but can’t easily get and we need to remember that. Someday I might have more money…and will it really make me happy? Yes, it will definitely help. 🙂 But it won’t be everything and I’m sure by then I’ll hope for something else.

Don’t focus on what others have, what you want. Remember your own blessings and that some people would kill to have what you have.
That being said, Happy Black Friday!!!

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  1. Recovering Craft Hoarder says:

    You are right. Thank you for the reminder.

  2. Kim @ craftyNHmom says:

    Well said, Heidi!

  3. Thanks for the reminder Heidi. I'm drooling over all the cool crafting and sewing gizmo's that I can't afford today, and your message really hit the spot.
    Happy Holidays!

  4. Katie @ On the Banks of Squaw Creek says:

    This is great! We have visitors coming to our house tonight and I am already apologizing for all the remodeling projects that aren't finished…and the siding that needs to be replaced desperately.

    But, we have come a LONG way in this house, and I should really be thankful for all that we have gotten done, instead of worrying about all that's left.

    I may do a series of before and afters and link up to this post!

  5. Amy @ Increasingly Domestic says:

    So true. 🙂

  6. Life with Kaishon says:

    That is really wonderful advice. Advice everyone should adhere to. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Adventures of Kade & Stephanie says:

    It is so hard to remember this…but I know it is true. Thanks for the reminder.

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