
My Halloween

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I love asking you questions, like what were you like in middle school? and what is your favorite autumn memory?
 I love getting to know you. I seriously love reading every single response.  And to be fair, here’s my answer:

I LOVED Halloween (still do.)  I would get excited to carve pumpkins months before.  I would start planning my Halloween costume for the next year on November 1st.  I would go trick-or-treating with my best friend and we’d stay out for hours in the frigid and foggy night.  I’d go home, dump out my pillowcase and count my candy with my brothers.  We’d sort it out into categories:  candy bars, tootsie rolls, gross orange and black taffy that we usually just threw out.  
My mom was funny about her Halloween candy back then…I’m not sure why, but she’d give out peanuts.  Like shelled peanuts.  Weird.  Other years she’d give out wrapped caramels.  But then one year she totally changed it up and gave out whole Airheads!  We were floored with her candy choice.  Maybe my mom just thought she’d hand out some she really liked (like peanuts and caramels) but then realized as the trick-or-treaters became more and more scarce, she’d better hand out something good.  Ever since the Airhead year she’s been giving out pretty decent candy.  
Sigh…I miss you, Fall.  And childhood.
Have a wonderful weekend!

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  1. I loved Halloween, as long as I got candy. But as soon as that stopped happening, it became much less intriguing. But I do look back fondly on the memories of us sorting our respective stashes after our big hauls.

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